Hey, I'm Marvin

Data Scientist & Software Engineer

Baden, Switzerland

I'm currently working at the Institute for Data Science at FHNW as part of a team developing a state-of-the-art AI-Tutor for students using the power of Large Language Models. In addition, I recently completed my Bachelor's degree in Data Science at FHNW in Switzerland.

Portrait of Marvin von Rappard

My Professional History

Feb 2024 - Present
Institute for Data Science at FHNW logo
Institute for Data Science at FHNW Portrait of Marvin von Rappard Research Scientist

I am currently working as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Data Science at FHNW. My team and I are working on developing an AI-Tutor for bachelor students from various fields of study. The AI-Tutor is based on a Large Language Model together with a Retrieval Augmented Generation system.

Nov 2022 - Jan 2024
AI Lab at Apiax logo
AI Lab at Apiax Portrait of Marvin von Rappard Data Scientist

As part of our AI Lab team, I was working on understanding, processing and eventually digitizing Legal Documents using state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing technologies. As part of that, we developed multiple Transformer-Based models including Large Language Models partly in combination with Retrieval Augmented Generation systems.

Aug 2019 - Oct 2022
Product Team at Apiax logo
Product Team at Apiax Portrait of Marvin von Rappard Software Engineer

I joined Apiax while it was still a Start-Up. In my first year as an intern, I took part in shaping the IT infrastructure for a fast-growing team. After that, I joined the Product Team which is responsible for simplifying digital compliance by building state of the art software in the form of web applications. In addition to that I had some first leadership experiences by managing smaller projects at the company and leading multiple EFZ candidates through their final exams.

My Skills

I am a data scientist and software engineer with a strong background in machine learning and natural language processing. I'm passionate about leveraging AI to solve real-world problems and create value for businesses and society.

  • Deep Learning

    Specialized in PyTorch for building and training neural networks. Proficient with Weights & Biases for experiment tracking and model optimization.

  • Natural Language Processing

    Skilled in applying NLP techniques to derive meaningful insights from textual data, leveraging my experience with state-of-the-art compliance AI.

  • Prompt Engineering

    Innovative in crafting and refining prompts for AI models, specializing in achieving desired responses and fine-tuning interactions to optimize user experience.

  • Software Engineering Expertise

    Proficient in backend development with Java and TypeScript, coupled with strong Python programming skills for data analysis, machine learning, and algorithm development using tools like Jupyter.

  • Database Technologies

    Experienced with SQL, MongoDB, and GraphQL, achieving efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.

  • Frontend Web Development

    Skilled in creating user-friendly web applications using Angular and SvelteKit, focusing on responsive design and intuitive user experiences.

My Education

Sep 2021 - Sep 2024
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland logo
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Portrait of Marvin von Rappard Bachelor of Science in Data Science

I recently completed my studies at University of Applied Sciences and working on my bachelor's degree in Data Science. The degree focuses on data analysis and machine learning, while enabling me to learn about the mathematical background behind these algorithms.

Aug 2016 - Jul 2020
Kanti Baden logo
Kanti Baden Portrait of Marvin von Rappard Student at Informatics Middle School

At Kantonsschule Baden I studied in “Informatikmittelschule” which was my first touchpoint with IT. I learned programming primarily in Java and was introduced to various technologies whilst doing my Berufsmatura (BM) in economics.

Contact me

I'd love to talk! Feel free to reach out to me via any of the following channels: